Saturday, 8 April 2017


MONOGOBBET SOCIETY is a group of conscious, logical fools who have come together to form a unique society in Santiniketan in 2006.The main motto of this society is to conduct series of meaningless GOBBET ADVENTURES in and around Santiniketan from time to time. Monogobbet society is an open ended society where anybody can come and join at any point and leave. In this respect the gobbets have declared 1st August as GOBBET DAY.


It started with the first community activity of one minute solo silent mono acting competition “IN SEARCH OF THE VOICE OF SANTINIKETAN” to find the ‘Santiniketan Idol’. The winner has to prove that he loves Santiniketan the most.It was a performance competition where the participants will have to perform in front of the camera which will be projected LIVE in the screen placed infront of the audience.So audience cannot see the performance physically .The audience were given three coloured paper fans (each colour having specific grading).According to the public voting the grading of each performance were evaluated. While the audience would grade the performance the audience reactions were also projected in a separate screen next to the performance projection screen. So both the audience and behind the screen performance were viewed together. There were three awards,’Golden Chhatim’, ‘Silver chhatim’ and ‘Only cchatim’( Chhatim or saptaparnior the Devil tree, the tree with seven leaves is the iconic tree of Santiniketan and during convocation only a chhatim leaves are given to the students in public ).


Second Gobbet day activity was around the gobbet expedition of the 80years of trees planted during Vriksharopan festival, the annual tree planting community activity initiated by Rabindranath Tagore in 1925 as part of the landscaping building and community building process. Visva Bharati News the monthly newsletter of Visva Bharati has published news of this activity regularly. A research was initiated to map the places where the trees were planted since 1925 through Visva Bharati News.Then placards were generated based on this news. Maps of Visva Bharati campus were printed with the information of the locations where trees were planted and installed in different strategic locations of the campus 2 -3 days before the expedition and posters were distributed to different departments and public spaces in Santiniketan for people to join in. So for three days students and community members of Santiniketan searched the 80 trees that has been enlisted in the Visva bharati newsletter since 1925.Environmentalist like Late Shayamali Khastagir and others joined in to locate these trees.


 The third Gobbet activity was more an intra Kala Bhavan activity where Gobbets invited the students to “CLEAN YOUR OWN RAGGS” a kind of an anti ragging activity where seniors and juniors joined together to clean each other. Different forms of cleaning devices were designed by the gobbets. A cleaning room was set up on Chatal the central stage in Kala Bhavana. The room had walls made of images of Joseph Beuys cleaning the dust in front of the parliament and also different meanings of rags and process of cleaning were mentioned. A display board was placed where students can enroll their names whoever wants clean them. So it was choice based cleaning. This was followed by a public interaction on ragging between the senior students and the juniors.


Mono gobbet society organised the gobbet garden “GARDEN IN YOUR HEAD”.Posters were issued in the campus to participate in the design development for the gobbet garden. Then on 1st august afternoon a workshop was initiated by the participants on gobbet head gardening. Participants transformed their heads into individual gardens by styling their hair in different garden plans with the help of plants and hair styling. Then they made a march to different parts of the campus and read excerpts from Tagore’s writings on landscape, nature and gardening.

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